The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring
For Reclaiming & Expanding Pleasure Live Training

Jan. 13- Jan. 17, 2025

La Semilla, Panama

What is Genital Armour?

Genital armour is a common experience in most bodies. It’s a form of self-protection - your body’s organic response to guard itself.

We may develop genital armour when there is

  • physical threat
  • emotional threat such as shaming
  • mental threat such as self-judgement
  • or instances involving all three, such as repeated instances of sexual activity before proper foreplay. 

The tissues and fascia holding onto chronic guarding patterns can lead to desensitization, discomfort, pain, tension, and numbness, until the armour is released.  

No matter what your experience has been, your body’s innate intelligence knows how to release the armour when you are supported in the right ways. 

In this live hands-on training, we explore the 3 keys to establishing a solid foundation for genital dearmouring. 

  • First, how to bring safety within the nervous system - allowing the body to relish receiving touch.
  • Second, how to reclaim the body’s authentic sovereignty through its voice and choice.
  • Third, how to empower the body’s sexual autonomy through genital mapping.
  • And how to apply the genital dearmouring practices from The 3 Keys Course in person, hands-on and hands-in.  

Hi, I’m Rahi.

Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker, and creator of Somatic Sexual Wholeness

For the past decade, I’ve been holding space to repair the ruptures affecting the safe embodiment of our sensual and sexual natures - from our developmental years, through adolescence, and into adulthood.  

Amongst the wide variety of issues I’ve addressed in one-on-one sessions with hundreds of clients, a vast majority of them have involved genital dearmouring - the release of chronic guarding patterns, unexpressed emotions, and unintegrated experiences within the tissues and fascia of the genitalia leading to a desensitization to organic arousal and pleasure responses in the body. 

In this live 5-day training, we create a safe container inviting the body to inform us how it wants to be touched, and how its armour wants to be met, metabolized and released.  

I've had the pleasure of teaching Genital Dearmouring to the various Somatic Sex Education communities around the world, both virtually and via in-person workshops, as well as online via The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring Online Course. 

I am delighted to be collaborating with Amina Peterson, founder of Atlanta Institute of Tantra and her tribe of tantric practitioners in bringing this training to Panama.  More about Amina:

"As a practitioner, I am leaving with a much deeper embodiment of de-armoring and a slew of tools and skills to integrate into my practice. I also received so much personal healing; a new capacity for pleasure in my own body, a deeper sense of safety, and a new level of permission to desire what I like without fear."

- Ariel Szabo, Somatic Sex Educator

In this live training you will ...

  • Practice "The Six Adult Intimacy Engagements" for repairing ruptures occurring during "The Six Implicit Relational Movements" in infancy
  • Practice exploring giving and receiving the kinds and quality of touch desired by the 11 erogenous zones of the body
  • Practice giving and receiving Genital Mapping in ways that bring agency and authority to your body
  • Understand the erogenous anatomy of the Vulva, Vagina, and Penis and how to facilitate extended states of pleasure for healing and expanding consciousness 
  • Explore facilitating and receiving genital dearmouring in ways that honor and align with the body's sense of safety and readiness
  • 3 Zoom preparation calls on Nov. 9, Nov. 22 and Dec. 7 at 9am PST - to support the integration and application of the online course material before our in-person gathering in Panama
  • 2 Supervision Calls on Jan. 25 and Feb. 15 at 9am PST post-training to support the integration of our training, as well as the application of these dearmouring tools into your existing practice

Retreat Structure


Yielding to Receive

  • How the Six Implicit Relational Movements of our Infancy correlates with the Six Adult Intimacy Engagements affecting our capacity to receive
  • How our sexual responsiveness to pleasure is linked to the state of our nervous system
  • Exploring and embodying practices for bringing safety into the nervous system for receptivity to touch, arousal and pleasure before and during sexual intimacy
  • Bringing agency and autonomy to the body's sovereignty in voicing its authentic choices
  • Exploring body mapping and sensations of the 11 Erogenous Zones

Yielding to Pleasure 

  • Understanding the rich terrain of the vulva's erogenous anatomy for mapping
  • Learning how to manually explore and map the erogenous areas of the intra-vaginal landscape
  • Practicing manual approaches for palpating external and internal erogenous areas of the vulva/vagina for increased and extended sensations, arousal and pleasure 
  • Mapping the erogenous anatomy of the penis and male pelvis
  • Exploring ways to extend arousal and pleasure states for extended love-making 
DAY 3-4

Yielding to Dearmouring

  • Learning how to identify and engage with genital armour - meeting it with compassion and listening for how it wants to release within the vulva and vagina
  • Learning how to identify and engage with armour in the penis and pelvis in ways to effectively release stored emotions from the body
  • Techniques for releasing armour from the throat & jaw and its correlations to pelvic tension
  • Learning how to identify and release armour from the anus and anal canal for health, healing and pleasure
  • A basic understanding of how to massage the prostate and intra-vaginal areas via the anal canal

Yielding to Giving and Receiving Full Sessions

  • Experience how at attune to a client's body, listening for what wants to release from their throat, pelvis and/or genitalia by facilitating a genital dearmouring session 
  • Experience your body's agency and sovereignty in guiding how your genital dearmouring session wants to unfold, based on your body's sense of safety, pacing and readiness for receiving a full session
  • Each participant will have the opportunity to hold space, applying what we've practiced, and incorporating it into their own unique style of space-holding
  • Understanding how to bring these new tools and approaches into your current practice, and the role integration plays in metabolizing material released from the genital dearmouring process

What Participants Are Saying

“I followed my intuition to attend the in-person training....  It was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

The opportunity to get hands-on experience with the techniques is invaluable. I now carry the knowledge somatically in my body - in my tissues and cells - not just theoretically.

Within a supportive and safe container, my body was able to relax deeply and truly receive the nourishment of pleasure as medicine. After years of feeling a contentious relationship with my body, I am finally able to align with her and give her exactly what she needs and desires….”

Madeline, Yoga teacher 


“The 3 Keys To Genital De-armoring in-person training was epic : Enlivening, inspiring, nourishing, and healing.

As a practitioner, I am leaving with a much deeper embodiment of de-armoring and a slew of tools and skills to integrate into my practice. I also received so much personal healing; a new capacity for pleasure in my own body, a deeper sense of safety, and a new level of permission to desire what I like without fear.

I love learning from Rahi. He takes a mind, body, and spirit approach in his work - and we got to receive the best of what he has learned. A mixture of theory, live demos, and practice sessions - the arch of the training itself mirrored a full session with him - so we could really understand how he practices, and learn and practice at a pace that allowed the body to open to de-armor…

Ariel Szabo, Somatic Sex Educator

“This for me was the missing link in my learning in the somatic sex education field.

Rahi found a way to condense in-depth information into a grounded approachable format that felt like a load being taken off my shoulders. He would demo a technique and then we would go directly into experiential practice with each other as participants which is how I learn!

can’t say enough about how transformative and refreshing these 4 days were! I look forward to bringing forward all I learned and applying it with myself, clients and in somatic embodiment retreats I offer…”

Lauren, Somatic Retreat Facilitator

The 3 Keys Live In-Person Training 

Monday, Jan. 13, 10am -  Friday, Jan. 17, 6pm

La Semilla, Panama - $950 Room and Board payment to Amina directly

The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring Online Course. 
For details about the course, click here:


The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring Online Course

$ 500

Special rate for those also registering for the Live Training


The 3 Keys To Genital Dearmouring Online Course


For those not registered for the Live Training. This includes the 3 Live Zoom Calls covering Course Material on Nov. 9, Nov. 22 and Dec. 7 at 9am PST




The 3 Keys To Genital Dearmouring Live Training


Early bird until Oct. 31, after which Price will be $1800




Questions for Rahi?  
Click here to send an email.